Step 1: Open the app screen

Before embarking on the Izumo Shrine and Okuizumo tour, we kindly ask you to have the following web app installed on your smartphone. Through this app, we would like to request your participation in a few brief surveys during the tour. We are eager to hear your impressions and feedback on the tourist spots we will be visiting.

If you are currently viewing this on your smartphone, simply click the link below to access the web app. Once you’re on the web app page, please follow the instructions provided to register as a new user. This will ensure a smooth experience during the tour.

Open Web App

Adding the web app to your home screen or bookmarking it would be convenient.


The web app functions like a mobile application on your smartphone. Additionally, we have also released the same app for Android devices. If you are using an Android smartphone, you can utilize the same features by scanning the QR code below.



Step 2: Create a new account

Choose the tour you will be joining and enter your full name, a username for the chat display, email address, and create a password. After confirming the app’s terms of use and privacy policy, press the signup button.

*At this point, the tour chat feature is not yet accessible. Our team will review your tour participation and grant you access to the tour chat within 48 hours. This measure is in place to ensure secure access and provide you with a safe and enjoyable experience.


Step 3: Check notifications

When you receive notifications from the tour organizer of the tour you are participating in, they will be displayed on the app’s home screen. Please check the notifications, which may include important updates such as schedule changes due to inclement weather.


Step 4: Join the tour chat

Upon successful registration, our team will confirm your participation in the tour and grant you access to the group chat for that tour. Once you have access, an invitation banner to the tour chat will appear in the “Chat” section of the app. Join the chat and engage with the tour organizer and other participants. You can share text messages as well as post images. When you post in the chat, your username and profile picture will be displayed alongside your message on other members’ screens. By default, the profile picture is a gray icon. If you wish to change your username or profile picture, please do so in the “My Profile” section. To access the “My Profile” section, click on the profile icon located at the right end of the bottom menu bar.


To Change Your Profile Picture

Click on the “Profile” located at the right end of the bottom menu bar on the app screen. This will take you to the “My Profile” screen. Press the “Edit My Profile” button found there, and you will be taken to the screen where you can change your profile picture and username. Upload your desired image there.

Step 5: Utilize FAQs for your trip

Make use of our FAQs and links to our website for helpful information regarding your trip. If you have any questions before your trip, please refer to the FAQs. Additionally, you can also inquire with the tour organizer through the tour chat.

You have the additional option of asking questions to our conversational AI, “ChatGPT,” within the app.


Step 6: Respond to surveys

During the tour, you may be asked to participate in surveys by the tour organizer. You may receive push notifications or requests within the tour chat. When prompted, click on the survey button available on the push notification screen, home screen, or other relevant sections to access the survey response screen. Please provide your feedback and opinions to the tour organizer.


Step 7: Foster connections through the tour chat

The app will remain accessible for up to two weeks even after the tour ends. Enjoy engaging in chat discussions during this time. If you encounter breathtaking landscapes or memorable moments during the tour, sharing images will bring joy to the tour organizer. Additionally, by sending your feedback and opinions to the tour organizer after the tour, they can consider your advice to make future tours even more appealing.

We hope you have a wonderful experience using “TabiPocket”!

Note: If you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.